
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I shouldn't have

but I did anyway!  Last night at the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild meeting I decided to join in the fun of a Round Robin.  I've done a Row robin before, but not a "Round".  Naturally, I have just tons of time to do this (can't you just hear the sarcasm dripping off my words?), but that's not stopped me before, nor did it stop me this time!
In fact, I got up today and after perusing a few ideas on line and a trip to my LQS, The Needle and I, inspiration! (Yes, yes, I know, I've got a honking big quilt to get finished, but I needed a break, okay?)  Now, I didn't buy any new fabric at the store, as I have lots of that and I'm challenging myself to use what I've got for this one, but I did buy a new book on scrap quilts.  "All-Time Favorite Scrap Quilts from That Patchwork Place". Lots of ideas churning around!
I started pulling fabrics.
auditioning fabric
I decided to go blues and greens
And, because I had nothing else to do today, I made my block!  Yup, I am officially way ahead for this Round Robin - lets see how long that will last!
start of a round robin
hmmm - could have done with more value contrast
Then, just because I still needed something to do today, I decided to try some sun-printing, after being thoroughly impressed and inspired by Gina's blog about it the other day.  Really easy to do, and I'm please with this first attempt - I will be doing this again - I already have a few ideas brewing, maybe tomorrow will see some more fabric printed.  Just have to find more"resist" items.
I used coins and a magnet for my resist items

Oh, and the wedding quilt?  It wasn't completely ignored - I did finish all my straight line  quilting in the sashing and I'm starting to play with some FMQ in the blocks - here's my first thought - haven't decided if this is the way I'll go yet or not - any thoughts?
starting some FMQ on the wedding quilt
interlocking boxes.  1 almost done, 87 more to go!

Happy quilting!


1 Joan said...

Beautiful colours you have picked. The block looks lovely - are you the first in the round robin - not sure how they work. 87 to go - sigh.... seems a lot:)

2 dutchcomfort said...

That sun-printing looks so wonderful! Really like your block for the RR!

3 Desley said...

I like the cool fresh colours you have used in the block.

4 Beth said...

Your colors for the RR are beautiful.
The sun printing came out so great. I haveto rty that while we still have sun. LOL

5 Poppyprint said...

I love the interlocking boxes quilting in the blocks, Janet. And your round robin block is beautiful! As for sun printing, you better get out there today. It's a precious commodity here - you never know when it will be gone for a few days, or 8 months!

6 Vicki Miller said...

love the little touch of rusty colour in your sun printing

7 Renate said...

Oooo! Love the colour of your RR block! You are way ahead of me!...and your sun printing came out wonderfully!

8 Maggi said...

Like the block and the sun printing. The FMQ blocks are a really good idea.

9 elle said...

Lovely colour combination and very nice block. I need to try the sunprinting.

10 Carrie P. said...

OOO!! love the round robin block.

11 Joy said...

What is the block called?

12 Joy said...

What is the block called?

13 What Comes Next? said...

Joy - you are a no-reply blogger so I'm unable to send you the info. I've just rechecked in the book, and the block is not named, although I believe I have seen it elsewhere as "Labyrinth"

14 Rudy & Irene Derksen said...

I love this block! The colours are great! Where would I find the instructions to make it?