I've been working on a few things this week, managing to fit a bit of time at the sewing machine most evenings. It has meant that I have made progress on my Wave Runner WIP
- in fact I am actually working on quilting the borders -
yay! the end is near!
And, just because I still have fabric lying all over and I got distracted, I grabbed a couple of Candy Bars of Bonnie & Camille's Bliss and had some fun.
Which do you think I should use for the background - the aqua or the pink?
(edit - my inspiration and starting point for this block can be found here which uses Bonnie Hunter's String-X block as a starting point. I choose to just use the Candy bar to piece the centre strips)
modified Piano key border, only 2 and a half sides to go! |
yay! the end is near!
And, just because I still have fabric lying all over and I got distracted, I grabbed a couple of Candy Bars of Bonnie & Camille's Bliss and had some fun.
Which do you think I should use for the background - the aqua or the pink?
(edit - my inspiration and starting point for this block can be found here which uses Bonnie Hunter's String-X block as a starting point. I choose to just use the Candy bar to piece the centre strips)
and, because I got the day right this week, I'm going to link up to
Happy quilting!
Gorgeous! I love how the Wave Runner quilt is shaping up, and I'm looking forward to seeing it when it's finished!
ReplyDeleteThe wave runner quilt does look great- your quilting is always drop dead gorgeous! As for the background, what about a taupe or chocolate? I think that might make the other colors really sing. Just a thought!
ReplyDeleteLovely to see Wave Runner almost finished. I prefer the aqua background but probably I'm not a huge fan of too much pink.
ReplyDeleteI like the aqua background, but the pink is less expected. I do like the previous commenters idea of chocolate too.
ReplyDeleteI stand amazed at your quilting skill! I would go with the aqua, but that's just because I'm not a pink person, so maybe not the best to be commenting.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like aqua by a landslide! ;);)
ReplyDeleteI like the aqua too, but like the others I'm not a very big fan of pink :D It's not that it looks bad on pink, I just look at it and think how I wouldn't want that much pink. (So really: I think you should do what you like best!)
ReplyDeleteOk, I gotta go with the aqua. I like pink but I just love aqua!!!
ReplyDeleteThe aqua background looks better. And your quilt has not only great colours, but interesting piecing too!