
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Busy, busy!

I'm still around!  I've been a little under the weather with a nasty cold for the last week, and also trying to sort out our new kitchen requirements and ordering what we need.  Looked after most of that yesterday.  Our dishwasher leaked, and well, after ripping up the lino so that things could dry out properly we decided to just keep going, and rip it all out and replace the cabinets, the whole shebang!  Has meant that we also have had to get the kitchen downstairs up to snuff, which is almost done, so we will have a working kitchen during the reno.  Only big problem is it is in the room that I use as my sewing studio, so that all has to get sorted out to allow this extra use!  I also have to do some modifications on an Irish dance dress that needs to be done before the end of January.  Add to that all the little projects I have on the go, trying to get completed for OPAM for January, and all the plans I have for new starts, and my head is spinning!  To top it off, today I signed up for the Winter Mini Quilt Swap with the Quilting Gallery.  Luckily, that doesn't require shipping until March, right about the same time as my next postcard swap!
Speaking of that swap, several of the postcards have been received, and some pictures posted on Flickr, so I think I'm safe now in showing you the full final image.  (This was my first OPAM finish for January.) There are 6 of us involved, and I made 6 postcards so I would have one too. 
Here are my Grey Jays

a single postcard

I had fun making these - it was the first time I used a photograph to create an applique.  You may have noticed one of the Jay's is looking the opposite way above.  One of the swap members is from Australia and I was thinking of doing an upside down postcard, but decided that looking the other way was enough!  (Okay, seriously, I forgot to flip my pattern over when tracing my design on the fusible web)
So far I've only received one postcard, but today I designed a mini quilt to attach them all to, to show them off.  That's another thing on my to do list...
Hope our week is going well,
Happy quilting!


1 Melissa ;-) said...

Janet, those postcards are gorgeous! I hope the cards you receive are as lovely and I would love to see the collection once it is all together.

2 Rachel said...

Oh wow - I'm out of breath just from reading your post. Isn't it funny (I say that with tongue in cheek) how one seemingly simple job turns into a whole new kitchen. Hmmm...

And Wow to your bird postcards. They are amazing!

3 Sharon said...

Just saw your post on Ardea's Nest and was wondering who else was up at 2 a.m.! Nice to meet you! Love your postcards - stunning. And kitchen remodels - we did that a few summers ago. My DH believes in gutting to the studs - LOL! The bathroom remodel was another story. He thought we had a leaking pipe and ripped out the dining room ceiling to get to it. Not the pipe but shower lining. We now have a new bathroom, but there is still a gapping hole in the dr ceiling!

4 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Janet, what can I say...they are just so beautiful....hope you are feeling better..Peg OPAM 2010

5 Birdydownunder said...

and I am lucky enough to have one in the flesh. It is fabulous

6 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I found your blog when I voted for your stunning grey jay. This bird is absolutely beautiful.
