
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Should I have??

Figgy Duff??
I should have been sending out resumes and looking for work, but I had this charm pack of Figgy Pudding that I got on my summer vacation, and a bit of yardage that I picked up just after Christmas on sale, and a gnawing feeling I could put them together a la Amanda Jean  and her Moda Bake Shop project - not layer cakes, but with some modification...  So of course I had to try! 
Quick sketch, do the math, start cutting and sewing, and before you know it another top to add to my pile! 
I promise it will be quilted before next Christmas, so I can count it as an OPAM and a Christmas Projects 2010 finish, but not today.
Happy quilting!


1 Melissa ;-) said...

It looks great!

2 Rachel said...

Wow - great way to spend the day. So much better than looking for a job... well, some would disagree... That fabric in the middle is so beautiful!

3 Jilly's Space said...

Very nice!

4 PatchworkPottery said...

It looks fantastic Janet! That's some yummy fabric!

5 Beth said...

It looks great. love that center fabric. Can't wait to see it quilted. Beth

6 What Comes Next? said...

Thanks Beth - hopefully it won't take me too long to get to it!

7 a good yarn said...

Stunning! So, What Comes Next?

sorry...couldn't help myself....forgive me...

8 Helen said...

Just been enjoying looking at your blog - all your projects are just beautiful!!
Helen x