And then I got started on the baby quilt - a Disappearing 9 patch, made using the charm pack of It's a Hoot, I won from Kaelin over at The Plaid Scottie. Added a few extras from my stash, and got all the blocks done, and laid out. I'll look at them for a while, but will have it quilted and bound by the end of the weekend.
I love it when things come together! And a three day sewing retreat this weekend - wahoo!
And today I had my amazing friend Laurraine from Patchwork Pottery came over, and she was helping me re-organize my sewing space! I love it! Still sorting and organizing my fabrics, and no pictures right now, but I have floor - and room for my design wall! Yayyy!
Happy quilting!
Wow, you have been busy. My chatity quilts are still a way off being finished, but at least the longarm is not covered in work any more, so I can finish them quick. Great work
Yopu have been so busy...and I feel like I am not acccomplishing much - I always look forward to your blog :)
Wow! Great progress. Love both of your projects. I really have to pull out some scraps and try a disappearing 9 patch.
I hope you have a fantastic retreat weekend!! Looking forward to photos of your reorganized space!
Whoa!! Slow down, you are putting some of us to shame. :-)
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