
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Super Moon Saturday

This past weekend I took part in a couple of workshops hosted by the Blue Mountain Quilters Guild.  We had Ionne McCauley come over from Vancouver Island and do a trunk show at our Friday night guild meeting, and then she ran two workshops over the weekend.  If you ever get a chance to take a workshop with Ionne you won't be disappointed!
I did the Sliced Circles workshop on Saturday - what a lot of fun!  You start by appliqueing circles onto your backgrounds, stack em up, slash 'em and shuffle 'em around.  Play with different layouts, stitch 'em back together, and before you know it you have a new quilt top!
and yes, that is a hole in the middle - I've got plans for it!

Since Saturday was the night of the "Super Moon", and these look decidedly moon like, I've decided to call it "Lunar Eclipse".  Once quilted, this will be put up on my wall - I'm really liking it!  I'm looking forward to having some fun with the quilting on this one.

Sunday's workshop was "Colour for the Terrified Quilter" based on Ionne's book of the same name.  Another excellent workshop where we learned the ins and outs of colour, value and intensity.  Fascinating stuff, and I learned a lot, which I will hope to be incorporating into my quilts in the very near future.

It's Tuesday, so that means The Needle and Thread Network's WIP Wednesday post is up.  Head on over to check out what some other Canadian Crafters have been up to.

Happy quilting!


felicity said...

Janet, I can't wait to see what those beautiful blocks become!

Anonymous said...

Love the lunar eclipse! What a neat technique. I am looking forward to see the end result. That colour workshops sure sounded interesting. I can so not choose colours...terrified ;). Thanks for stopping by my place!

elle said...

I saw that moon and just like yours it was amazing.

Susan J Barker said...

Wonderful blocks! Ionne brings out ideas we never thought we had -- took a workshop from her 3 or 4 years back...

randi--i have to say said...

This is a neat layout! I will admit, though, that it sounds a bit scary to cut up blocks that are already pieced! :)

greelyrita said...

Nice!! It has a bit of a Whirlygig to it as well, doesn't it?

Linda said...

Slashing circles is something I would love to try.

Beth said...

WOW. Lunar eclipse is just amazing. Once you work your quilting magic I am sure it will be beyond amazing. Look forward to seeing your finish.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

That is a very neat piece..

HollyM said...

I really like the sliced circles. It must have been a fun workshop!

Sheila said...

Wow , what fun technique , love it !

In stitches and seams said...

love your moons and how you made them....
in stitches

Cheryl Coville said...

Your Lunar Eclipse has a wonderful feeling of spontaneity! Fun!

Regina said...

I really like your blocks and am looking forward to what you make with them.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Those blocks are so fun, Janet! Looking forward to seeing what you do with them next.