
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Indigo fun

See this group of happy smiling folks?  This is just a couple of the ladies that joined me last weekend in a super fun play day with indigo.  After the Little Group I belong to saw the samples I had made in the workshop at Quilt Canada with Anna Hergert, they asked if I could do a day of indigo dyeing with them.  Never one to miss a chance to play, I agreed.

Last Sunday we gathered at Wendey's house, I showed them my sample pieces again, and described the various stitches used to create the patterns, and while they got busy stitching, I got some indigo vats started.  This was my first time doing this, and I had my fingers crossed that everything would work.

We left the vats to work while we stitched and wrapped and tied the fabric, 
Stitching away photo: Colleen Dobbeck
had a great lunch (amazing trifle Colleen - thank you!), 
Lunch! photo: Colleen Dobbeck

chatted, laughed and had a wonderful time.
stitching, with refreshments of course  Photo: Colleen Dobbeck

Then it was time.  Until I pulled that first piece of fabric out of the vat and watched it turned from a strange yellowy green to a beautiful indigo when the air hit it, I had been holding my breath.  It worked!

Is it going to work?  Photo: Colleen Dobbeck
Everyone took their turns dyeing their fabric and we ended up with some fabulous projects - there were several t-shirts that were amazing, a length of fabric that will become a nightgown, pillowcases , some samples using silk and linen, different stitching designs, marbles, rocks, buttons, clothespins all got into the act.  What fun!
Taking turns  Photo: Colleen Dobbeck
And, because it is what we like to do in this group, a challenge has been put out there for the fabrics created to be made into something to be shown at one of our fall meetings.  Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
You can see my sample pieces here.

Happy quilting!

1 comment:

1 Vicki Miller said...

I love your sample pieces. Can't wait to see what you do with them