
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Monday, June 30, 2014

bye bye June

I don't know about you, but June has just flown by for me!  Did it stop and rest awhile with you?  Is that where it got too?

I did have a couple of weeks away - my husband and I headed east to St Catharines Ontario to take in the Canadian Quilters' Association's Quilt Canada - their annual conference and show.  I took a workshop, and then we spent a week and a half doing the tourist thing - we had a wonderful time!

Quilt Canada was great!  The National Juried Show (NJS) was amazing - so many wonderful quilts - I kept going back to be inspired anew.  What was also great was seeing that a few of my friends won ribbons - congratulations Leanne and Terry!  They took first and second in the Modern Wallquilt or Bed Quilt category.  You can see their quilts and the other winners here.

My two day workshop was with Lenore Crawford and was on painting and fusing.  It was an interesting technique, and I can see myself using it again, although I need to do a lot of practicing with the painting side of it!  Here's my wip - I'm pretty pleased with how it is looking, although there is still a lot to do before it is finished.

After getting back, I spent a couple of days cleaning up and organizing my sewing space - I really cannot describe just how bad it had gotten, and no, I did not take any before pictures, but here's how it looked on Sunday morning after I had finished - I can actually see my floor and the surface on my cutting table - who knew???
While I've made really good progress, there are still two large - and I really do mean the large ones! Rubbermaid containers hidden away under the cutting table that are stuffed to the gills with scraps.  I'm going to have to tackle them eventually, but I need more strength (or is it wine?) before that happens!
This morning, because the studio was so bright and clean, I decided it was the perfect time to tackle my MQG - Michael Miller Petal Pinwheels challenge that I'm doing with the VMQG.  There was a little piecing involved - no real plan just a cut and ponder, cut and place, shuffle and repeat kind of process, and then on to the really fun stuff!
Some organic straightline stitching - possibly bordering on "industrial"?

VMQG - MQG Michael Miller Petal Pinwheel challenge 1

a few continuous curves thrown in to offset the "straight" lines

VMQG - MQG Michael Miller Petal Pinwheel challenge 2

and it is looking like this - not done yet, but we're getting there!

VMQG - MQG Michael Miller Petal Pinwheel challenge 3

I have a few weeks left before I have to have it done, so as long a July cooperates and doessn't fly by, i should be good!

One of the things I was working on in May that I didn't show you here was a signature quilt for a couple of really lovely ladies - a mother and daughter, who are moving to the interior of BC.  They have been such a wonderful part of my traditional guild, and have done so much, inspiring so many, that when the email came out that a signature quilt was being made for them, I jumped at the chance to quilt it.  I generally don't do a lot of quilting for others, but these two are special, and I was so happy to be able to do this. Here are a few shots of the quilt and the quilting, and then one of the presentation.


Lyn and Edna - thank you!  You are always so encouraging and inspiring, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to meet you!

Happy quilting!

linking up to The Needle and Thread WIP Wednesday this week.


1 Maggi said...

Fantastic post. I really enjoyed looking at the NJS quilts, such talent.

Your wip looks very promising, as does the tidy studio. Lovely quilt too for your departing members.

2 Beth said...

Lovely signature quilt and the quilting is fantastic. I can hardly wait to see the modern quilt all done. So far it looks amazing.

3 Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Your workshop piece is really intriguing and now I have to look the instructor up and get a little more familiar with her work. Love your quilting on your modern quilt. I find it very retro!

4 elle said...

Yes, I like that class project. And the print and look of that modern one. Studios are a real challenge to keep flat surfaces from becoming mountains of... I do hope July is bit slower. sheesh!

5 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

everything is fantastic, but I love the modern quilt.
I like how you are quilting it.

6 momiji said...

Wow, that WIP is gorgeous! Everything else looks great as well, although I hope your studio doesn't stay neat for too long. I'm a believer in creative chaos, at least up to a point!

7 Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

Love the signature quilt. Beautiful. Your Petal Quilt is fabulous!

8 Terry Aske Art Quilts said...

I totally agree - where did the first 6 months of the year disappear to?

Thanks for the mention about my award from CGA. Your workshop piece looks great - I hope you finish this one!

I totally agree with Jessica's comment about 'creative chaos' . Looking at my messy studio, I must be really creative!

Looking forward to seeing your finished challenge quilt.

9 Renate said...

Yes! those two ladies were and still are inspiring to us! thanks for posting the presentation. Your Micheal Miller Challenge is coming along nicely.

10 dutchcomfort said...

Looking fcorward to see what you are going to do with the painted flowers. They look so real!
And I love the contrast in the straight line and petal quilting !!