While I haven't been as quilty busy as I would like in the last little while, I have been doing a little bit. I had a great trip to Quilt Canada in Lethbridge AB this year, I thoroughly enjoyed the show and the classes I took with Cindy Needham, and I am looking forward to getting to try out some of the things I learnt with Cindy.
The project completion has been a bit of a struggle. Back at the end of April we decided to do some house renovations. That, unfortunately, has meant that my sewing room has been packed up for a good long time now. There has been lots of this
and this
but not so much sewing. :(
We do have the end in sight, luckily, so I have been able to start making some inroads back into my sewing space, but I still have a lot of cleaning to do until its back in good shape. Drywall dust just gets everywhere!
My 2nd Qtr Finish along goals are pretty much a bust this quarter - I had such high hopes, but in the end, only managed to get two things done, and they were done way back in April when I went on retreat! I did manage to get a few days in on the long arm, and have made some progress on that front. In fact, if I find time to get the quilts squared and bound, I will have a number of finishes in short order!
- Vienna Nights 1 and 2 - finished!

Baby quilts 1 - 3 - quilted on the longarm - I still need lots of practice!
Tablerunner - no progress
Gees Bend inspired - no progress
Convergence - no progress
Bunky quilts - finished the quilting in June (longarm)
Metro Rings - no further progress since April
If I manage to get my act in gear, I just may have a number of quick finishes coming up, but you can expect to see most of these items rolled over to the next quarter!
Hopefully, you'll be hearing from me again before that time!
Happy quilting!
Those darn renos!!! We've been doing some too, and it sure makes inroads into 'free' time, doesn't it! But so nice to have it finished. Your quilts are looking great!
I was just getting ready to come check out what was happening. Darn house renos. We have our own ongoing projects. But I can't really claim that as my own blog lapses. But Mid year always gives a creative lurch forward so here's to a productive 'rest of the year'! :^)
Good to hear from you! Renos, schmenos! Try packing up a five bedroom house to fit into a two bedroom condo and still maintain some creative mojo! Hmmm....soon. I love the quilts that you have been able to get to and am looking forward to seeing "what comes next" (LOL).
Home decor and home reno's are not my forte, so better you than me! Have fun getting settled again in your studio!
Glad you managed to get something done amongst the upheavals.
Renovations- a really big WIP, with hopefully no UFOs.
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