2009 is over - where did it go? It was a very interesting year to say the least. I decided last May that I needed a change. I stopped working, and have spent the last 7 months relaxing and enjoying time to actually do things. Funny how that works - knowing you have the time - at least for me - made it very easy to put things off! I was not nearly as productive as I thought I would be but I've loved ever minute of it! I did accomplish more sewing - particularly quilting - than I would have if I was working fulltime, but there's so much more to do! Unfortunately, I wasn't really organized - a real lack of pictures and blog posts, so I don't even really know what all I got done in 2009. I played and explored and discovered BLOGS! Oh that became a real time grabber, it did! So many people doing so many interesting things - I had to read, I had to try things, I had to get involved - participate in swaps, try for giveaways, start my own blog! I did it all! and I plan on continuing with it. I've met so many great people this way, there's no way I can stop now! There's just too much going on! I can't miss out on any of it!
2010 looks like it's starting with a bang! So far I'm down for the following:
Four by Sixers - an international postcard swap -
we'll be exchanging postcards 6 times a year. This is going to be a lot of fun as each of us gets to decide on a theme, technique, whatever we want. The first mailing is slated for January 15, and the theme is Winter. I've been having lots of fun with this one! Hoping to have them in the mail either tomorrow or Monday. Here's a sneak peek -
sorry, you'll have to wait until they're received for the full unveiling!
Christmas Projects 2010 - a group that wants to make sure we're ready for Christmas next year by starting now!

Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs has a new - free BOM for 2010. Snowbound! It's all snowmen! January looks so cute. I have a feeling I'll be getting started on it before I finish last year's!
Jenny of Elefantz also has a free BOM - another keeper! More of her fabulous shabby roses - Bouquet. I'm going to have to sharpen up my embroidery needles for these two!
I've signed up for the Generosity Project with Melissa at Ardea's Nest. At this point, I just wait, but once I receive my gift sometime in the next year, I'll then turnaround and open it up to more people to receive a gift from me.
And then today I signed up for OPAM 2010 (One Project A Month). Something to keep me motivated and organized - this time next year I'll know exactly what I did in 2010! Now, to go tackle those UFOs that didn't get finished last year so that they can appear in my OPAM finishes this year!
What have you got planned for 2010?
Happy quilting!
Four by Sixers - an international postcard swap -
we'll be exchanging postcards 6 times a year. This is going to be a lot of fun as each of us gets to decide on a theme, technique, whatever we want. The first mailing is slated for January 15, and the theme is Winter. I've been having lots of fun with this one! Hoping to have them in the mail either tomorrow or Monday. Here's a sneak peek -
sorry, you'll have to wait until they're received for the full unveiling!

Hopefully, we'll be able to motivate each other to having lots of stuff done before December 25, 2010. I've got quite a list of what I want to accomplish!

Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs has a new - free BOM for 2010. Snowbound! It's all snowmen! January looks so cute. I have a feeling I'll be getting started on it before I finish last year's!
Jenny of Elefantz also has a free BOM - another keeper! More of her fabulous shabby roses - Bouquet. I'm going to have to sharpen up my embroidery needles for these two!
I've signed up for the Generosity Project with Melissa at Ardea's Nest. At this point, I just wait, but once I receive my gift sometime in the next year, I'll then turnaround and open it up to more people to receive a gift from me.
And then today I signed up for OPAM 2010 (One Project A Month). Something to keep me motivated and organized - this time next year I'll know exactly what I did in 2010! Now, to go tackle those UFOs that didn't get finished last year so that they can appear in my OPAM finishes this year!
What have you got planned for 2010?
Happy quilting!
You have a full plate! It'll be full watching the needle and thread fly on your blog!
All this that you have planned means we are going to be in for plenty of good blog posts.
Wow - you are going to be busy, motivated, and organized this year! Don't forget to take pictures.
I have lots of plans too, as you know. I haven't started anything yet... but I will as soon as I'm done all this marking. By next week, I should finally have a clear desk and a few free weekends now and then!
It sounds as though you have a great plan for your projects this year. Good for you! I definitely want to be organised for Christmas so I'm aiming to complete two projects a month; I'm on board with Bunnyhill and I have a bunch of UFOs to tackle. Might even start a new quilt. Now, if I can just find a way to give up work and still eat..... Happy Stitching, Ann :-)
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