
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

weekly progress

somewhat slow this week - too busy getting geared up for the Olympics -
Go Canada Go!
  I was in downtown Vancouver on Friday morning and there was such a buzz about!  So much fun!  Hopefully, we'll get back down a few times before everything is over and just breathe in that excitement!

I did get one finish this week
donation baby quilt
a donation baby quilt that I did get the binding finished on.

and I made a little bit of progress with my Winter Time mini quilt for the Quilting Gallery's swap.
winter mini snowflakes
I did some experimenting with stamping fabric paint and then adding irridescent glitter, and I'm quite happy with how the snowflakes turned out!  Just need to heat set them, applique my other snowflakes, sandwich and quilt - I'm thinking of using sliver thread in silver, but will have to do some tests first.  We'll see.
How has your week been? 


1 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

The blue looks so good against the black and white Janet...well done on your finish...Peg OPAM 2010

2 Beth said...

I really like the blue with the black and white too. Your snowflakes look great. Silver thread looks good with snowy things, so does iridescent thread. Happy stitching.

3 Jilly's Space said...

Love the blues and snowflake. Smart girl ;-)

4 a good yarn said...

I forgot to mention how much I liked the Christmas wallhanging in your earlier post. It's fabulous! Gail Pan has wonderful designs.The stamping on your quilt looks amazing and I can't wait to see the finished work. Silver thread sounds very interesting. Ann :-)

Anonymous said...

Your stitching projects look awesome! Love your quilting and choice of threads!

Good luck with your kitchen renovation!!!

I think it must be amazing to attend the Olympics!? It's been magical watching them on TV. : )