
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Slow week

Didn't actually get anything finished this week.  Worked a bit more yesterday on my Winter Time mini for the Quilting Gallery swap.  Lesson learned:  While the stamp and glitter looked wonderful, and seemed to be nicely stuck on - do AFTER you've finished quilting.  I managed to knock just about all the glitter off.  Plan 2 - quilt the snowflakes with irridescent silver sliver.  They still sparkle!

snowflake sm1
I haven't quite finished the quilting yet, but here's a few shots of how its looking
partialled quilted sm
sparkle flake sm

My main kitchen now has no lower cabinets and no flooring.  (sorry, no pix today) Decisions to be made on new paint colour and lighting, all by this weekend.  My dining room is filled with IKEA boxes of my new cabinets.  I figure we'll be at this for months!  Poor Chico is very confused by all this.  Here is the downstairs kitchen which we will be using in the meantime.

And, this is my last week off!  Going back to work fulltime next Monday.  That means I've got to pack an awful lot into the next few days to get my swaps already to go.  I've got some postcards that still need to appear, and not just in my imagination! and a couple of donation quilts for guild.  Not to mention that growing list of UFOs on my sidebar,
'til next time,
Happy quilting!


1 Christine said...

I love those snowflakes!! Good luck with the remodel- I know that can be trying. Oh and good luck going back to work- same comment, I know THAT can be trying too!! :) Christine

2 Rachel said...

Those snowflakes are gorgeous. I can't wait for the reveal, when you show us the whole thing!

Ugh - kitchen remodel. That sounds like a lot of work. But I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end. It's a good thing you have a downstairs kitchen!

Good luck with the full-time work. I'm sure you will miss having the time to sew, but you'll find a few spare hours in there I hope!

3 Emma said...

Absolutely beautiful snowflakes! Stunning!

4 Beth said...

Your snowflakes are just beautiful. You are making good progress on that quilt.

Good luck with the kitchen remodel. It will be so worth it when you are all done.

Enjoy your freedom this week. Hope all goes well on the return to work.

5 a good yarn said...

You are amazing! How fantastic are those snowflakes! Good luck witht he kitchen reno. Life will be a mess until it's done but it's going to be fabulous when it's all done. Ann :-)