
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Friday, March 25, 2011

More of the same

Oh my!  It has been a while now, hasn't it?  I have been making progress on a few things - I'll start with the finishes - okay, just two, but that's better than none!

The challenge put to the guild members at the February Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild was to do some quilt as you go, or as you see all over blogland and Flickr QAYG.  Anna even provided some batting for us to work with.  I decided it would be a good use of some really fun fabric I got in a mug rug swap from Pam aka,  uberstitich.
pkg from Uberstitch
Isn't this fabric just perfect for placemats?
chicken soup!

I also finished and mailed my 4X6ers postcards - the theme was monochromatic - here's what I created for that:

and I hear they are starting to arrive!

I've also been busy working away on my Rainbow quilt - pictures and a finish coming soon! and I pieced a new donation lap quilt, which is also partially quilted - nothing like getting everything going at once!
Hmmm, I guess I haven't taken a more recent progress shot. Here are the blocks before they were trimmed and joined and then bordered in a spring green linen.  I am really liking it, but you'll have to wait to see it!
using some scraps

and last, but definitely not least (if I don't count my international kitchen goodies swap project, hosted by Sonjaartisania over at the Great Apron Extravaganza that I haven't actually cut into yet!  Sonja is an amazingly talented paperpiecing designer, who I met through the VMQG - check out her blog here) is my DQS10 project.  here is where I got to today on it.
piecing done
started quilting
It will be finished by the end of the weekend and ready to mail before the end of the month.
Off to drop in tomorrow, should get lots of sewing and socializing done!  Hope you're having a good weekend, too!

Happy quilting!


1 Joan said...

Oh my!! I love what you are doing - and have fiished. You are one busy person :)

2 felicity said...

Everything's gorgeous, Janet! Those postcards are incredible. And your quilting is wonderful as always....

3 Beth said...

The placemats are too cute! Perfect fabrics.
Your postcards are amazing.
Love the string blocks.
Your stars ansd the quilting are beautiful.