
My photo
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to my world where I try to figure out what I'm going to do next! These days, it is mostly quilting, but you never know what it might be... come find out with me!

Friday, October 24, 2014

If you are in the neighbouhood

the traditional guild I belong to is having a quilt show this weekend - with close to 200 quilts on display there is going to be lots of eye candy!

We're at a new location - Maple Creek Middle School in Port Coquitlam, 3700 Hastings St.  (I was going to link to a map for you, but Blogger's giving me grief this morning!)

Hope to see you there!
Happy quilting!


1 Hilary Florence said...

Sadly not in the neighbourhood (I've always wanted to go to Canada too) You will just have to post some photos of the show!

2 Renate said...

Wish I was there to see it! Hope your show is as successful as in the past.

3 Peggy said...

Wish I could have been there! But heard it was a huge success. Photos??

4 Vicki Miller said...

Yes, lots of photos!